Glider Lab Manual

Ecosystem Science Division, NMFS/SWFSC

Ecosystem Science Division logo. Artwork by Jen Walsh.

The Ecosystem Science Division (ESD) at the Southwest Fisheries Science Center does some pretty cool stuff using gliders, in both the California Current Ecosystem and the Antarctic Peninsula regions. This website is an in-development manual for all ESD glider activities. Please contact a member of the glider team with any questions.

Funding for the glider lab comes from base funding of the ESD Programs: Scientific Opoerations and Support (SOS), United States Antarctic Marine Living Resources (U.S. AMLR), and Offshore Wind. Additional funding also comes from the NOAA Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) strategic initiatives; UXS-OC (REFOCUS etc.).

For information about past deployments by the ESD glider lab, see this page

Team Members

Name Job Title Glider Team Role
Christian Reiss Program Lead, Offshore Wind Principle Investigator
Anthony Cossio Operations Research Analyst Lab Manager, Pilot, Tech
Jen Walsh Fisheries Research Biologist Pilot, Tech
JC Clark NOAA Corps Pilot
Caleb Flaim Electronics Technician Pilot, Tech
Jacob Partida Physical Science Technician Pilot, Tech
Hailey Schmidt Pathways Intern Pilot, Tech
Sam Woodman Biologist Data Manager
Heidi Taylor Program Lead, SOS; Deputy Director, ESD
George Watters Director, ESD

Project Management

For most current Fleet Status information, see this Sheet

The ESD glider team is using GitHub Issues and Projects for project management. There efforts are heavily inspired and influenced by the Openscapes GitHub for project management approach.

To view the ESD glider team project, see here. This project pulls from issues from several repositories, but in particular this repo. For more details see TODO (section under development in glider lab qmd file).

GitHub Repositories

GitHub repos developed by the ESD glider team. Issues for these repos are tracked in the above-linked Project.

repo link description
glider-lab Repo for tracking ESD glider lab issues/tasks
standard-glider-files ESD glider cache files, as well as standard files that are put on all gliders before deployment
glider-utils Utility functions for processing ESD glider data
echoview_glider_template Echoview glider templates that are used for acoustic data analysis
glider_processing_code Compilation of code that is used to work with glider acoustic data
glider-lab-manual ESD glider lab website
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