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swfscAirDAS 0.3.1

swfscAirDAS 0.3.0

CRAN release: 2023-08-08

  • airdas_sight now has both ObsStd and SightStd columns; SightStd definition updated. airdas_effort standardizes the definition for the ‘included’ column. (#3)

  • Added purrr as a dependency for airdas_sight functionality

swfscAirDAS 0.2.3

CRAN release: 2022-06-02

  • swfscAirDAS now depends on R >= 4.0.0 for consistency across DAS packages

  • Updated License to CC0 for consistency across DAS packages

swfscAirDAS 0.2.2

CRAN release: 2021-01-10

  • The ‘segdata’ output of das_effort now includes DateTime1 and DateTime2, the date/time of the start and end points of each segment. The column order of the segdata data frame was also slightly changed for consistency

  • airdas_chop_condition, airdas_chop_equallength, airdas_chop_section, and airdas_segdata are now exported for documentation purposes only

swfscAirDAS 0.2.1

CRAN release: 2020-09-07

  • Users can now capitalize all transect codes using the trans.upper argument in das_process

  • Added info messages to airdas_check, as well as a check for valid latitude and longitude values

  • Fixed a bug in airdas_check when checking multiple files

swfscAirDAS 0.2.0

  • Catch up internally with changes made in swfscDAS. This package now depends on swfscDAS version >= 0.3

  • airdas_sight column name changes: ‘Sp’ is now ‘SpCode’ for consistency with swfscDAS, and ‘TurtleSizeFt’ is now ‘TurtleSize’ since this data can be a character code

  • Changed airdas_chop_equal to airdas_chop_equallength for naming consistency. This change should not affect users, as it does not affect any of the syntax required when using airdas_effort

  • Renamed items in effort list output of airdas_effort and airdas_effort_sight: ‘siteinfo’ is now ‘sightinfo’, and segdata columns indicating the number of sightings or animals on a segment are now formatted as ‘description’_‘species code’, e.g. “nSI_mn”

  • Where applicable, error, warning, and informational messages now report both the file name and line number. This makes the messages more useful when working with concatenated AirDAS objects with multiple files

swfscAirDAS 0.1.0

  • Initial version, presented to NMFS users