Data Management

Gliders both collect and require a lot of data and other files, making data management a complex endeavor. Most users should access processed glider data as described here (TODO). This page describes where and how all data and files from a glider deployment are stored.

See this document for the full ESD (previously AERD/AMLR) glider data plan. Note that the contents of this doc will be transferred over to this page as time permits.

Because gliders can collect >1 TB of data in a single deployment, all ESD glider deployment data are stored in Google Cloud Storage buckets in the ESD Google Cloud Project.

TODO: point to Shiny app or some other tool for users to use to get to GCS bucket URL for a particular piece of data.

Glider GCP bucket Google Cloud Platform (GCP) for glider data.

Glider imagery GCP bucket GCP for glider imagery.

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