Glider Pilot Tools

Slocum Gliders

NOAA’s Southwest Fisheries Science Center began deploying Teledyne Webb Research Slocum G3 gliders to study Antarctic krill in 2018. The fleet as well as the sensors on the gliders have expanded through the years.

Google Drive


Phone tree and websites

AMLR Gliders Folder - Where most things are stored on Google Drive with regards to gliders.

Fleet Status - A place to see the simplified status of gliders. Also to keep track of RMAs and generalized deployments.

Sensor Settings and Sampling Sheet - Where mission planners input the settings for sensors and how they should sample.

Ballast sheet from Rutgers - Ballast sheet developed by Rutgers

TWR Ballast sheet - From the datahost

Functional Checkout Procedure - From the datahost

Freewave and Argos numbers - Freewave and Argos numbers for each Slocum glider.

ECOpuck coefficients - Coefficients for the ECOpuck needed to be put in autoexec.mi

Emergency boat options - Boats that we can use for emergency recoveries in San Diego and Santa Barbara.


The ESD has started using the Hefring Oceanscout gliders in 2025. They are a smaller glider than the Slocum G3s.These currently have a CT and a PAM sensor.


Hefring cloud- The NOAA cloud interface for controlling Oceanscouts.

Useful websites

Antarctic Sea Ice Imagery

SIO Del Mar Buoy - Water properties used for deployments off of San Diego.

SCCOOS shore stations

Default SFMC Group Call In - Check here to see if the glider is calling into the default group instead of our SFMC.

Underwater Glider User Group ‘UG2’

Everyone’s Gliding Observatories ‘EGO’

Ocean Gliders

IOOS Underwater Gliders

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