Glider Lab

Items to include:

Gliders and Mooring Google Calendar

Standard Operating Procedures

Glider Checkout Procedure The steps needed to prepare a glider for deployment.

How to upgrade the glider operating system

How to calibrate the AZFP

How to calibrate the compass on the glider

How to calibrate the shadowgraph

How to talk to the camera (shadowgraph or glidercam)

How to set up the Nortek compact echosounder

How to pilot a glider

How to use the high speed data cable

Steps for deploying a glider

How Jen deploys a glider

Tony’s SFMC Data Visualizations

Online Calculators

Sea Water Density - Calculate sea water density and sound speed.

Calculators for Acoustics

Sound Absorption - Calculate Absorption using the Francois and Garrison, 1982 method.

Standard Sphere Target Strength - Standard sphere target strength calculator created by Advanced Survey Technologies, SWFSC.



Slocum Fleet Mission Control 2019

Slocum G3 Glider Operators Manual 2019

Slocum G3 Maintenance Manual 2019

Slocum G3S New Processor Guide 2021 Draft B


Shadowgraph r3

Glidercam r2.1

Nortek compact echosounder

Integrators guide 2024

Signature 100 Operations Manual 2022

Principles of Operations Signature 100 2022

MIDAS software User Guide 2019

AZFP Acoustic Zooplankton Fish Profiler

AZFPLink Software 2019

AZFP Glider Operators Manual 2020

AZFP Operators Manual 2019


ECOPuck User Manual 2017

AAnderaa Oxygen Optode

Oxygen Optode Manual 2017

Software and settings

Software Settings Use
ZOC Settings Talking with the glider over Freewave
Tera Term Settings Talking with the camera
AZFP Settings Calibrating and settings for AZFP
MIDAS Settings Setting up Nortek
WinSCP Settings FTP client for the camera
Notepad++ Settings Changing and reading glider files
OceanContour Settings For viewing ADCP data

Training Documents

Slocum Basic Training Slides May 2024

Slocum Basic Training Slides May 2024 Materials

Slocum Advanced Training 2019 Materials

Rutgers Glider Camp 2023


Outer Limits 2024-28 Charter boat out of Mission Bay BPA site

Pacific Venture 2024-28 Charter boat out of Oceanside BPA site

Teledyne Webb Research 2024-28 IDIQ for Slocum gliders and parts site

Glider and Mooring Database

You can find the Glider and Mooring Database on the network drive. This is also possible via VPN. It is used to track glider builds, days and inflections sensors have been use, calibration sheets, etc.

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