Slocum Glider Pilot Reference

Useful Commands and Variables

help or help [command] Print description of command.
lab_mode [on|off] Activate lab mode.
wiggle [on|off] Move all mechanical components.
get [var] Print variable once (usually m_...).
put [var] Set variable (usually c_...).
report ++ [m_var] Continuously print readings.
report clearall Stop continuously printing readings.
list List all variables.
list [var] Show variable and related variables.
dir (preferred) or ls Print contents of present directory.
consci Switch to science processor. quit to exit.
whoru Print glider name.
where Surface dialog and various values.
why? Print reason for most recent mission abort.
get m_why_started Troubleshoot when glider resets itself.
use Print list of devices and their operational stats.
use -|+ [device] , use none|all Bring devices in and out of service.
zero_ocean_pressure Set sea level.
exit Shut down safely and correctly.
exit reset Reboot glider.
c_de_oil_vol , m_de_oil_vol Set or get oil pump volume.
c_air_pump Fill or drain air bladder.
m_vacuum Get internal vacuum reading.
c_battpos, m_battpos Set or get pitch battery position.
m_coulumb_amphr_total Needs to be reset when batteries are replaced.
*more information and description about variables in masterdata.dat
m_ measured
c_ commanded
u_ user-defined (before run time)
f_ factory set
x_ computed at run time (DO NOT SET)
s_ simulated state variables
sci_ science sensor

File Types and Transfers

Flight Science Compressed
all data (recovered) .DBD .EBD .DCD / .ECD
decimated (telemetry) .SBD .TBD .SCD / .TCD
medium (diagnostic) .MBD .NBD .MCD / NCD
log files .MLG .NLG .MCG / .NCG
.dbd file naming convention:
mission# + segment#
ex. 0111 + 0055 -> 01110055.dbd
Full file naming convention:
ex. calanus-2024-195-1-16
Files from glider (glider sends)
zs [path/to/file] send files from present processor
szs [path/to/file] send files from sci processor (if on flight)
send [log_filenames] send logs and move files to /sentlogs/
s [log_filesnames] same as send but during mission
Files to glider (glider receives)
zr send using terminal program over FreeWave
dockzr [filename] or dockzr *.* send using SFMC “to-glider” folder
szr send files to science processor over FreeWave
dockszr [filename] or dockszr *.* send using SFMC “to-science” folder
[mission].mi Main mission file. Way-point plan. Sampling scheme, one file per sensor. Surfacing condition (multiple). Dive behavior.
autoexec.mi Glider identity file (don’t send over Irdium)
proglets.dat Science identity file (on science processor!)
sbdlist.dat, tbdlist.dat Configures telemetry files .sbd and .tbd

Mission Commands

loadmission [mission_name].mi sets glider variables from mission file
run [mission_name].mi begin running mission
type [path/to/missionfile] prints contents of mission file
sequence [mission_0].mi [mission_1].mi ... runs listed missions consecutively
sequence [mission_name].mi(N) runs mission N times consecutively
^R (ctrl-R) Resume mission (dive) immediately.
^C End mission, prompt GliderDOS .
^E Extend surface time by 5-minutes.
^W Get device warning reports, like use
^F Re-read files.
s [...] Send log files.
![GliderDOS command] , ex. !dockzr *.* Send command.
^T consci to science computer, prompt SciDOS

Common Procedures

Quit sequence and prompt GliderDOS

> ctrl-C

Hang up Iridium for 30 minutes

> callback 30

Enter lab mode:

> lab_mode on

Ballast command, also resets oil pump and pitch battery

> ballast

Or, air bladder only

> put c_air_pump 0

Or, if testing sensors on battery power in the lab over FreeWave

> loadmission lowpow.mi

Afterwards, check internal vacuum (target 7.0-7.5 inHg)

> get m_vacuum


report ++ m_vacuum

Note: clear output from ballast and report ++ using report clearall

Pull in ballast pump oil

> put c_de_oil_vol -420

and deflate air bladder

> put c_air_pump 0

Wait until these actions are complete, use

> report ++ m_de_oil_vol m_vacuum

Power down glider

> exit

and wait for confirmation before pulling green shorting plug.

Initiate simulation mode

Check whether the glider is currently in a simulation

> simul?

Create a simulation file in config directory

> capture config/simul.sim

on_bench ^C

Verify that the file exists and contents are correct

> type config/simul.sim

Reset the glider

> exit reset

And check to make sure the glider is now in simulation

> simul?

Deactivate simulation mode

Remove the simulation file

> del config/simul.sim

Verify that the file is now gone

> dir config

Reset the glider and make sure it is not in simulation mode

> exit reset

> simul?

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